How Self Synthesize!® Raises Frequency
Lisa Ferraro is Self Synthesize!
Lisa continues to build her frequency (starting many years ago) through a disciplined practice of: raising self-awareness, eating healthy, conditioning her body through yoga, maintaining a tranquil home environment and many other habitual daily practices.
Lisa leverages this frequency to help others through an understanding of the following principle:
When two variations in frequency exist (one higher and one lower) they try to connect. This requires either the higher frequency to lower or the lower frequency to rise. By maintaining a high frequency, she is able to raise the frequency of others not only in her presence, but transmit it through sound as well.
The result? The birth of Frequency Fusion received either live or on-demand, online. Eliminating the extensive discipline required to raise one’s frequency, Lisa leverages the fruits of her labor to empower others to benefit regardless of their burdens or limitations. This means:
- Raise Frequency wherever you can. At home, at work, on the bus, in the car, at the gym etc.
- Raise Frequency whenever you can. In the morning, at lunch, during dinner, before sleep, etc.
- Raise Frequency however you can. On your phone, on your laptop, on your work computer etc.
How? One gold membership. Unlimited plays. Stream live or on-demand from the site or download the latest session.
Any life. Any circumstance. Any way. Your choice to do what’s best for you.