High Frequency Soothes the Chaos in Change

Think of the many time periods in life where we feel frustrated and stuck. Nothing seems to move forward and the flow of life appears to grind to a halt. Grrrgh… and then, suddenly, everything changes. For a brief period of time our lives (or at least in our minds – lol) spin out of control as if in chaos. Reflecting back on my life, I remember the contrast between these two states appearing rather frequently.

High Frequency Soothes the Chaos in Change image

Our experience of “change in progress” varies wildly between chaotic or peaceful. In my estimation, our starting point, mentally, emotionally, and physically, and our vibratory frequency rate, both play a determining role in our perception of the experience of change.

AND truthfully, change intensity also shifts between “minor changes” and “life changing”. Fortunately, the strategies I outline below to help you navigate change, work in all change intensities. Woot!  

As I continue experimenting in life with High Frequency, I remain convinced that holding tenaciously to an intention to live in High Frequency carries us through challenging times relatively unaffected.

Think of a lifeboat. A sudden change disorients us, and we fall into the river, bobbing up and down fighting a fairly fierce and swift river current. Then, out-of-the-blue, someone tosses up a lifeboat. Saved from the tumultuous panic of feeling out of control, our reptilian brain settles down and feels safe to float down the river.

I wanted to share with you a few strategies I developed to steer the oars of change. Even if just one of these helps you, then reading this far into my blog with me, will be worth your time!

1 – Ground. Walk barefoot outside in the grass, or in the dirt, garden, use a grounding mat, seek a few minutes of sunlight everyday, preferably 20 min, but even five minutes makes a world of difference.

2 – Practice some form of physical movement you enjoy, and *smile* while performing (makes changes in the brain’s neural pathways): walking, dancing, swimming, yoga, weight lifting, rebounding, H.I.I.T.

3 – Focus your thoughts and speak about the positive aspects and outcomes of this change occurring. Feel empowered by even the minutiae while affirming that life has your back; life flows always in your favor EVEN when appearances might seem otherwise.

“Change is a natural part of life, leading us into more of us.”
– Lisa Ferraro

4 – Nourish yourself with healthy fresh food, epsom salt baths, beautiful high Frequency music and a high frequency environment. Treat yourself to a day off, or a spa day or a facial or a foot reflexology treatment. The “nourish list” is endless – lol.  Find what speaks to your heart.

Those that follow my newsletter regularly might notice how pervasive the benefits of living in High Frequency are AND how deeply these benefits penetrate into all aspects of your life. High Frequency solves many many of life’s troubles. You might find my other blog posts helpful where I outline detailed tools for living in High Frequency. See my website.

Hope this helps! My love to you all !!

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