Why Change Frequency and How?
Why Change Your Frequency?
Influencing your frequency is a way for you to affect change in the life you choose to live. Are you happy with your life? Do you believe your life is filled with joy, love and abundance? If not, are these things you want? If so, frequency is a fast and effective means to realize it.
How Can You Change Your Frequency?
Your choices which are made consciously and unconsciously affect your frequency. By making deliberate choices in how you make conscious decisions and form unconscious habits, you influence the path of your life through frequency.
The example below allows you to quickly experience a shift in frequency (takes 60 seconds):
- Go to a place where you can be alone.
- Close your eyes and say the word “love” 10 times in your head.
- Feel the sensation in your body.
- Close your eyes and say the word “hate” 10 times in your head.
- Feel the sensation in your body.
- Close your eyes and say the word “love” 10 times in your head.
- Feel the sensation in your body.
Were you able to feel a difference in sensation between steps 2 to 4 and 4 to 6? If so, you have now consciously experienced how frequency works.
Areas That Impact Your Frequency:

Environment such as where you work and where you live. Some factors affecting environment include:
- Organization of your space
- Pleasantness of your surroundings

Self-Care such as what you eat and how you move. Some factors affecting self-care include:
- Pleasantness and health of your diet
- Method and how often you move your body

People such as who you spend your time with and who you work with. Some factors affecting people include:
- Choice of who you spend your time with
- Choice on how the decisions of others impact you