Overcoming Fatigue
I have noticed that this month, I have felt more fatigue as I’ve had MANY more social demands… I assume I am not alone here – sound familiar?! I think the techniques will support you navigating life, or in particularly stressful times at work, in your family, or anytime that you need a little extra help.
These special fun occasions sometimes carry for me a feeling of mixed emotions… Total JOY to see my friends and hang out, and wishing I had one night in the week or one day in the week for rest…

I noticed around mid December that in order to keep up, I had sacrificed my extra bouncing sessions and hula hoop sessions. My yoga practice remained strong… and probably played a role in how I reversed this feeling of fatigue over the last few weeks.
Here’s how I navigated the fatigue and regained my vital force full strength.
P.S. I even lost a few extra pounds that I had gained from not bouncing and hula hooping!! Imagine losing weight during the holidays?!?! — #winning for sure.
- I realized and acknowledged my stress throughout the day 2 to 5 times. At the moment of acknowledgment, I paused and took five deep belly breaths:
Place a hand on the belly and take five deep slow breaths watching the hand rise and fall with the belly imagining that each inhalation brought in new energy, vital force, love, joy AND on each exhalation, I let the breath release from my system any stress, pain, or frustration, fatigue or anything not healthy for me.
- Just before sleep I told my inner self and light team to completely renew me while sleeping (and also to “youthen” my face & body so that when I awaken, I am fresh, joyful fully recovered and ready for more adventures
- I drank extra water and made sure that every hour at least 8 ounces of water entered my system without fail!
- I ate before going to a party. That way at the festivities, I felt full and not hungry; easily avoiding munching on all of those delicious items that would have added extra pounds on me
- Yoga was nonnegotiable for me, daily!
- Kept any holiday spirits or drinking to bare minimum…
- Went back to my routine: two times a week either bouncing and/or hula hooping! Whew… made a difference
- Played positive high-frequency music and tones both in my car and in my home…
- Attempted to go to bed each night by 10:00 PM if I wasn’t at a festive party
- Took extra of my adrenal stress formula throughout this time…(currently using Gaia herbs adrenal formula)
Hope this helps you all sweet friends!! Remember I am including/infusing right here frequency for stress to help you jump start the new year full of energy!!
My deep Love and hugs to each of you!