Trusting your HEART to Lead You
It all started earlier this month when I posted an article on our Self Synthesize!® Facebook page: “A Grateful Heart is a Healthier Heart“
I started contemplating about the heart and gratitude and decided to use gratitude this month to help pull me out of those moments when I felt my heart closing down or I felt frustrated for whatever reason.
In those TRICKY moments…
Immediately I came up with images and lists of everything for which I am grateful. Lo and behold, it shifted my contracted sometimes painful heart (which is what happens when we contract inwards soooooo far, pain ensues) into an open, joyful, grateful, lively, expanded, happy, high frequency heart it was pretty awesome! Nothing to complain about it was such a beautiful strategy and I highly recommend all of you try it!
My husband Christiano and I were speaking with my Light Team one evening and they mentioned something profound about the heart. They said that the heart is the center of your health!! Whoa… Not the brain? Not the gut?
They said that if we are happy AND the heart is open, then all of the cells in our body will be completely healthy and free of disease and free of any problems taking a moment for a deep breath at this concept
Apparently all of the cells of the body will resonate to that frequency of the heart and if the heart is open, happy, and expanded, all of the cells will resonate to that and become more youthful, healthy, and function at maximum well-being!!! Now that is definitely something worth pausing for…

Heart Math has done a fantastic job researching the heart along with the powerful implications of positive thinking and compassion… They are worth looking up:
So that concept led me to the next thought… How can people who are not in a happy place or feeling sad, depressed, overwhelmed, stressed, or lonely bring their heart to a happy and open and expanded place? Well, circling back around to the beginning of the month….GRATITUDE
In that place of feeling so low and down, stop, pause and decide to put all of your awareness and focus on just ONE thing you’re grateful for. That starts the ball rolling because then if you think of ONE suddenly a second or third will come tumbling into your thoughts. Trust me you won’t be able to hold back the flood of all that you’re grateful for even if it’s simply that you have breath or that you have eyes that can see or that you have clothes on your body or that you have… Whatever it might be!!!
Seriously, give it a try and let me know what happened. I am truly excited to feel the surprise in your Beingness when you see what I mean; when you experience what I experienced!!!!
My love and hugs to you all I am so so so wishing and hoping that this helps you as it has helped me this month….
Hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs, hugs!