Frequency – Vibrational Alignment

Frequency – Vibrational Alignment

Living a high frequency life raises awareness, consciousness, and joy. When we learn to live in high frequency, our consciousness begins to grow and awaken.  We develop strong powers of awareness both of the world around us and of our own inner soul. At Self Synthesize!®, we have discovered that deep subconscious struggles and repressed “shadow” issues cannot…

Guidance from Infinite Self

Guidance from Infinite Self

Guidance from your Infinite Self is communicating directly with your Inner Self. True happiness comes from within, independent of what occurs in the external world. Our inner tapestry paints our outer experience. Understanding this concept, and applying it in daily moment-to-moment experiences, creates different opportunities for learning and growth. Though easy to contemplate, living from this concept often presents…

The Sweetness of Perspective

The Sweetness of Perspective

Interesting, isn’t it, how external events show up in our lives and provoke deep inner rumblings while new clarity arises out of our old resistances? The contemplation of perspective showed up recently in my world. As I wrote in my July newsletter opening — for those that missed it:  “Sweltering under a fine hot Dallas…

Change is your Birthright

Change is your Birthright

I love this brilliant quote attributed to Albert Einstein:“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is.”.  Write it down and put it on your refrigerator, or your bathroom wall, or your car, hanging from your rearview mirror, somewhere you…

Life Has Your Back

Life Has Your Back

There isn’t anything that is impossible, even the word itself spells “I’m possible”. If you can think it, if you can imagine it, it’s possible. So whatever you imagine, don’t limit. What are you going to create for this year, what is it going to be for you, flying forth? Remember life has your back,…