High Frequency Seven Step Process To Change Habits
I created the theme for this month’s blog long before I had heard of Coronavirus or Covid-19. I certainly NEVER envisioned most of the world would be under a stay in place order from their governments. I knew the importance of developing the skill set for changing habits. I had this deep yearning to offer some ideas for changing habits. It also might be helpful to refer to a blog I wrote about this subject a few years ago.
The global situation has forced all of us to instantly change habits; staying in place, physical distancing, wearing masks and maybe even gloves. Meetings, if they even occur, are now held digitally. The internet seems to be serving as our global heart. How lucky are we that we have the internet to make the passage through this time much easier!
Think about this time and what it highlights for us: habits are easy to change! We changed almost overnight or at the latest over a series of two or three weeks. The next time your mind falls into complaining mode about the difficulty of changing deep, long standing habits, refuse to believe its story. YOU have the power to change habits instantly!

Why then do we not shift the habits that irritate us and that we want to change, but feel powerless? High Frequency inspiration! Most people voluntarily took measures to help keep themselves and others safe. This is a High Frequency act inspired from compassion with a bit of fear mixed in between; High Frequency nonetheless. As we raise our Frequency and maintain a High Frequency state of mind, it becomes easier and easier to change whatever our heart desires.
To help facilitate swift internal and external shifts, while minimizing the discomfort of change, I devised a model for changing habits. I place the process of changing habits into seven distinct stages.
- Foundation Phase: Identifying the habit. I go into greater detail about this stage on our May 2020 SS Radio Show. Please feel free to listen.
- Study Phase: Learning about the habit. Once you choose the habit to change, now study it: “When do I do it?”, “What triggers the behavior?”, “Do I notice when I do the behavior?”, “How does it make me feel?”, etc. Learn as much as you can for it well help in later phases. Make notes. You will be glad you did.
- Action I Phase: Taking the first step. This is like a baby’s first step, be elated! It does not need to perfect; remember it is a small start. Take drinking sodas as an example: decide when you wake to not have a soda until noon. Notice it is manageable and doesn’t “deprive” you. Practice this small change until it feels, normal, routine. This time frame can be one, one month, whatever is necessary for you.
- Action II Phase: Confidence. Your first action step was successful and you are confident in your ability. Now you want to increase the action one more step. In the soda example from above, you decide you won’t have a soda until 6:00pm. Remember as you go through this phase be sure to make notes of how you feel, etc. Practice this confidence phase until it feels, normal, routine. This time frame can be one, one month, whatever is necessary for you.
- Action III Phase: Fearless. You know you can do it! You completely believe in yourself, but you are still taking small steps. Using the soda example, you don’t have a soda until later in the evening. You enjoy it, but now it is starting to feel optional. Practice this fearless phase until it feels, normal, routine. This time frame can be one, one month, whatever is necessary for you.
- Action IV Phase: Optional. By this point in the process, you no longer feel obligated, you choose. In the soda example, you choose if you want to drink one that day or not. How empowering! Practice this optional phase until it feels, normal, routine. This time frame can be one, one month, whatever is necessary for you.
- Mastery Phase: You are a master over the habit. You are a master and no longer even want to participate with the habit. In effect, the habit no longer exists. Congratulations!
This process works for any and all habits, behaviors, or beliefs that you wish to change. Simply rinse and repeat. I hope this helps you, it worked for me!
My love to you all!